After reading your article and all the comments, it’s obvious there is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to cannabis use. I agree with you that it should be legalized everywhere, yet controlled sales (ie; not buying from a street drug dealer) may be the way we put the bad guys out of business. I also think as long as you are in your home, you should be able to grow and use your own product. There are so many benefits and science is learning more every day, why legislation is taking so long is anyone’s guess. I hate that doctors can hand out pills to cover up a problem, instead of finding the source of said problem and treating it. That’s why we have an opioid crisis.
I have never been a day smoker, and I’m just recently been the type to have a puff before bed. It helps my pain, sleep, enhances our sex life, and I never have a “hangover” the next morning unless I also happen to drink a cocktail or glass of wine. I don’t know why it’s anyone's business what I do in my own home, yet since it’s still not legal where I live, I don’t talk about my usage except with close friends and/or family. Sometimes I use CBD products as well, my research says that doing both enhances the benefits. Since I never smoke during the day for fear of not getting anything done, daytime is when I would use CBD products…when I can afford them. That may be another reason people prefer to smoke, it’s very expensive to find quality CBD products. Anyway, I appreciate your views, yet we are all made differently and therefore will respond differently to cannabis.
I have three sons, two that still use. One has no ambition whatsoever, can barely sustain a relationship, and has nothing to show for his 33 years on this earth except two beautiful girls whose life he isn’t in, while the other son is a workaholic, has been in a relationship for 6 years, and has an intact moral compass. I’m pretty sure son number one smokes more than number two, but he also has ADD, depression, and a host of other “issues” that contribute to his situation. Son number two may not have a perfect life, but smoking cannabis doesn’t rule or ruin it. I think the type of person you are has a lot to do with it as much as our individual makeup does.