Good luck on all of your self sustaining projects. My brother gave me an awesome gift for Christmas las year-an Airogarden. I love it! I grew herbs until they were coming out of my ears, then emptied it and cleaned it out. I want to try salsa vegetables next, we eat alot of peppers and tomatoes, I would save a little money by growing my own.
I don’t eat bread, but I remember how wonderful home made bread was, and we used to have a bread machine. I also had a dehydrater at one time, I wasn’t living the Paleo lifestyle at the time and got rid of it. What a waste! I wish I had it back now. Maybe I’ll go find another, I could be making some tasty apple slices with cinnamon, or some other heathy snack. Not that I don’t eat apples now, I do. In fact, I had one halved with almond butter for lunch!