I’m with Nicole, but I do have some coping strategies and there are a couple of Christmas songs so great, I could listen to them any time, Carol of the Bells being one of them.
I could hole up in the house and read or/and write all day, so visiting Dad once a week makes me leave the house, so that’s good. Needing to make at least one trip a week to the store gets me out again, hello car. (I like to drive so there’s that.)
I’m using my recent neck surgery as an excuse not to exercise, except for the ones my PT gave me to do 2x a day, so yea me! I’m technically getting some exercise. Plus I have to get up and walk every hour. Soon I’ll have to drive to outside PT so hello car again!
Ok, don’t throw things at me cause I live in Texas, we really have been having a colder-than-usual winter so far. We are in fact in for sleet Monday night into Tuesday morning. Brrrrr!