“Oh My God, I am so excited! Thanks again for the ticket, I can’t wait for the concert! Lindy shouted into the phone.

“Absolutely! We’re gonna so rock out for our birthdays!” Melody replied, adding “This year’s lineup is fabulous even if Korn and Slipknot won’t be there.”
“I’m gonna take care of your drinks since you bought the tickets.”
“Well, I might let ya, but not too many, you know I’m driving!”
“Of course, that’s a given…Ms. Control Freak!”
“Hey, I can’t help it. I just can’t relax with anyone else behind the wheel. You know who I use to be married to.”
“Yes, Randall is the worst driver EVER! Ha! I wouldn’t let him drive to the corner when he came to visit us that time.” Anyway, I am so looking forward to May because I really want to see Stone Temple Pilots!”
“Me too! Their new song is awesome. Besides, I’m sure you’re ready to get over this month already.”
“Yes. With Marcus being sick and then the thing with my ankle surgery…
“You deserve a break, that’s for sure. OK, well I have to get back to work myself, holla back later Ok?”
“Thanks a million, Melody, yes, I’ll do that. Let’s plan a get together before the concert, nevermind…I’ll see you at game night right?!”
“Oh yes you will, there are wine and cheese right, hahaha!”
Two weeks pass. Game night.
“Hey girl, come on in! It’s party time and you need a glass of something special. Where’s your bling? You’re supposed to be wearing lots of bling, did I forget to tell you?”
“Oops, I guess you did!”
“Come on back to my bedroom, I have lots of extra earrings, you can certainly borrow a pair!”
“Thanks, Lindy! Let’s get this party started! Oh, before I forget, here’s your ticket, keep it in a safe place…you don’t want to lose it!”
“Sweet! Thanks, I’ll stick it in the office so I don’t! Here, pick out a pair from my stash, there’s the doorbell, be right back.”
Meanwhile, the house fills up with guests and in the chaos, Lindy lays her ticket on the fireplace mantle, a good foot over her head.
Concert day. The girls are in the car and halfway there when Melody says “You remembered your ticket right?”
Lindy grabs her purse and shoves her hand in, “Sure I do, it’s…uh oh.!”