So, I am very lucky to have done many of the things I see other writers here have not. Yet, there are many experiences in life that I have wanted to at least try…here goes a few.
Never have I ever:
Done heroin, this one I never wanted to try, although when I was young, I did plenty of other bad things…coke, speed, hash, marijuana, and regrettably, acid…but oh God, nevermind, I’m not allowed to talk about that.
Parachuted out of a perfectly good (or bad) airplane…although we watched several people do it at a tiny little place on Crystal Beach behind the joint we were eating lunch at. I thought I almost had my hubby talked into it, but no.
Written a book, but that is certainly on my bucket list.
Been to Jamaica, yet I’m dying to go…just don’t want to die cause I went!
Got my tongue pierced- ears, yes. Navel too, but it was never done right, so I don’t wear my jewelry in there. Is 58 too old to sport my navel rings?
Had sex in a public place…unless you count that time at the beach with my hubby…in a dune buggy ;)
Been able to paint artistically, but I can draw pretty well. I love adult coloring books…does that count? ;) And my latest obsession looks like a sparkling painting when it's done…its called Diamond Art Painting.
Forgiven my mother for taking my firstborn away from me and basically scarring him for life. Luckily, we do have a relationship now, although it needs a lot of work. (my son, not my mother…she passed in 2014)
Eaten caviar-I did try escargot on a cruise once. It was better than I expected.
Been on a cruise with my husband-he just isn’t interested yet does not mind that I go with my ladies when I can afford to.
Wow, that’s way more than I thought I’d come up with, yet I’m sure there are tons more. We don’t have all day though!!!