Oh my! You really did a number on yourself! I have to say, it’s a timely thing that I read this article today, because I have something to share.
I normally follow a keto/paleo style of eating, behaving about 80% of the time, however, since the plandemic, I have been “cheating” more than usual, even indulging in the forbidden bread on a rare occasion, when before it was strictly taboo.
Recently, I started chewing 3–4 ACV gummies a day, usually after my meals as a test to see if they really helped to maintain my weight. I’ve eaten everything from pasta to pizza, real nonos on a regular basis, and I stepped on the scale this morning and had dropped 3 pounds!! I went from 115 to 112.9! Now this may not seem like a big deal, but I have been between 114–116 for a year, and I am only 4’9”.
I will keep up the experimenting and try to eat my normal diet-maybe paleo instead of keto because for me, it’s more sustainable, cheating mainly on date night and the wknds. I’ll let you know how it goes!