So, we are experiencing heavy thunderstorm activity with tornados all around us, which means no tv if you depend on satellite. I thought we had an antenna, evidently we got rid of it in the move, or maybe it’s in the garage. Either way, after suffering through football all day, even enjoying some, now the show I want to watch is on and naturally, the timing is such that the satellite is out. So no “The Mick” for me-of course, I’m happy we are not dealing with a tornado like some folks are, just south and east of us. My son would hate to hear me whining about a stupid tv show when he will likely have to go back to work in this crap if it causes localized damage. So…never mind, I retract my tirade and now direct you to the weather alerts, only I can’t do that either. Check your local radar, at least the phone still works.